Friday, January 20, 2012

Here Goes Nothing!

Hello, my name is Natalie, and I am addicted to crafting....

This is me, Natalie, in the super, awesome, craftastic apron one of my BFFs JJVG made for me...Jen is awesome, not only can she sew amazing aprons such as this, she has a musical laugh, and her thighs don't touch.

I have done one form of crafting or another since I was a youngster.  I am in the midst of stopping a bad habit, and have heard that the best way to change a bad habit, is to replace it with a healthy, new, good one. So, I have decided that this blog will be one of the healthy new ones to help me conquer my bad one.  So, with that said, here is a little about me:

A- age  36

B- boyfriend  I have a great BF named Will.

My BF Will and I this summer...aren't we cute?

C- crafting    Crafting is awesome! I love to create new things!

D- diet Coke    Enough said...beverage of the gods

E-expert       I fancy myself an expert in many things, but I'm really
                   not....shhhhh....don't tell anyone!

F-friendly      I have a lot of friends that I feel very fortunate to have
                   and believe that being friendly is the answer to many problems
                   in life.

G-glue gun    One of the most important tools in crafting

H-hugs         Love to give them, and getting them makes each day better

I-indigo        Such a better word than blue

J-jar             The Mason jar is one of my favorite things to craft with
A great Thanksgiving craft idea I got from it!
K-keep          I keep and collect a whole lot of things that some people
                    consider trash, but I have made such cool stuff from

L-love           Do what you love, and you will always be happy

M-Michael's     A place I have spent too much money at :)

N-nocturnal crafting     I have done way too many all nighters- once I 
                                get going on a craft idea/project...I even threw my
                                 back out from crafting paper Christmas houses
                                 this year....and like Shakira's hips, my MRI
                                 doesn't lie either
One of the Christmas houses responsible for my bad back
O-opportunity          I take the opportunity to infuse crafts into all facets
                             of my life: school, friends, and home

P-perfectionist         I am the antonym for perfectionism...I make tons of
                             mistakes everyday and am OK with it

Q-queen                Craft Queen...One of my friends from my first teaching job
                            anointed me the Craft Queen-she started calling me 
                            that and the kiddos followed suit-love it!

R-redo                   I reserve the right to retake, redo, remove, anything

S-sparkle               If it sparkles or glitters- it is for me...custodians in each 
                            of my schools hate me for my affinity for glitter

T-true loves           True loves-teaching, Bailey (my sweet dog),diet 
                            Coke, crafting,Target, and Will

Bailey, my sweet puppy, one of my favorite people. No, that isn't a mistake, I consider her to be a human.

U-understand          People don't understand my obsession with crafting and 
                            creating, but they don't have to-just enjoy!

V-voice                   I express myself through my crafts...and certain bad 

X-eXcited                I get excited when I start or finish any project

Y-yuck                    I can't stand it when people lick Popsicle sticks

Z-zany                    Me :)

That is all for tonight :) , but I am looking forward to working on this blog, and hope you enjoy reading it :)  I will be posting pictures and directions of the different craft projects I have done, and any random musings I choose to share! 

Craftastically yours-Natalie


  1. Ms. Merritt, you crack me up :)

  2. Hello, Barbie :) I am glad I amuse you, but then again I think I was always a 36 year old teacher in a cardigan and a nasty craft habit....How are you? I tried to join your blog, but it is invite only, and per usual, I am not invited :)Hope you are well-this is a super cute pic of you!
